Teens and young adults often engage in substance abuse as a form of experimentation. Unfortunately,...
Recovery Resources for Drugs & Alcohol in Edison, New Jersey
While the nation is caught in the midst of an addiction epidemic, our addiction interventionists in Edison, New Jersey provide addiction interventions to Edison and surrounding areas. Addiction doesn’t discriminate, and many people who have a substance use disorder will deny having any problem with drugs or alcohol. However, friends and family are always the first ones to notice when a loved one needs to go to rehab. That’s where our New Jersey addiction interventions come in. We provide services to people who suffer from drug and alcohol addiction as well as their families.
Our addiction specialists will help you and your family stage an intervention and convince your loved one to seek professional help. Our innovative and solution-based techniques will help guide your loved one to the drug and alcohol rehab facility that will best meet their individual needs. We will be with you every step of the way. If you or a loved one is in need of addiction resources for drugs and alcohol in Edison, New Jersey, contact us today for an assessment.
Learn more about New Jersey InterventionOur Recent Blogs
Have you ever experienced shaking or felt unstable when you’re not consuming alcohol? The shaky,...
Does my Loved One Need a Drug and/or Alcohol Intervention?
When you’re close to somebody who is abusing drugs or alcohol, it usually easy to tell when something serious changes. First, their behaviors start to change. They might stop attending social gatherings, appear to be under the influence, or start having troubles at school, work, or home. An addicted loved one might experience mood swings and difficulties that begin to interfere with day to day life. After prolonged substance abuse, people will develop a chemical dependency on whatever substance they are abusing, which leads to painful withdrawal symptoms when they stop. As a result, people may go to any lengths to continue using drugs and alcohol. If your loved one is wreaking havoc in their lives and the lives of others and is unwilling to go to rehab, your loved one needs an addiction intervention. It’s hard to watch a loved one walk spiral down a path of destruction. New Jersey Addiction Intervention can help with a drug intervention or alcohol intervention.
Does My Loved One Need an Intervention?
It’s hard to watch our loved ones struggle. Sometimes it’s even hard to tell whether or not they truly need an addiction intervention or it’s just temporarily issued. We believe it’s best to ask a professional to decide. Contact us today to consult with us.