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Am I A Good Candidate for Outpatient Rehab in New Jersey?

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All of the information on this page has been reviewed and verified by a certified addiction professional.

Everyone who struggles with addiction is unique and has their own specific treatment needs. One of these details includes the level of care in which patients should participate. While most people choose an inpatient rehab facility to help begin their recovery journey, residential treatment isn’t for everyone. Some people are better off getting help from an outpatient program that is flexible and affordable. In fact, there are four specific types of people who can benefit from outpatient rehab in New Jersey.

Here are four qualities that make you a great candidate for a New Jersey outpatient rehab program.

You Have Already Completed a Residential Program

The ideal candidate for outpatient rehab in New Jersey is someone who has already completed a residential treatment program and is looking for a continuum of care. Outpatient programs provide a treatment that is a step-down in intensity from inpatient. As a result, they can help ease the transition from structured residential living to independence in sobriety.

Leaving behind an environment of around-the-clock monitoring and support for a life that is independent in sobriety isn’t always easy. In fact, leaving rehab can be extremely intimidating for many people. Outpatient can provide ongoing support to help make this transition easier. If you have already finished an inpatient drug and alcohol rehab program and are looking for a place to reinforce your coping skills and obtain long-term support, outpatient is right for you.

You Can’t Take Time Away From Work, School, Or Your Kids For Inpatient Rehab

In a perfect world, anyone who needed treatment for substance abuse could take several months away from their daily obligations to get the help they need. However, the vast majority of people simply do not have the luxury of taking 30, 60, or 90 days off of work, away from their families, and/or out of school. Plus, all of the responsibilities you have may be stopping you from taking that step towards treatment.

The good news is that outpatient rehab programs exist to provide addiction treatment services to people who cannot obtain them on an inpatient basis. Outpatient programs only require 10-20 hours of therapy a week and offer flexible schedules so parents can continue being parents, employees can stay on the job, and students can continue their education – all the while getting life-saving substance abuse treatment services.

You Need Treatment But Cannot Afford an Inpatient Program

Rehab is expensive, no matter how you pay for it. Even though the Affordable Care Act (ACA) mandates all insurance providers to cover mental and behavioral health treatment, it fails to specify what types of services and how much of those services are covered. As a result, people who have not met their deductible, people with sub-par health insurance, or people without health insurance whatsoever may struggle to scrape up enough cash for a pricey residential program.

Outpatient programs eliminate the need for housing, supervision, and on-site medical care. They also provide far fewer hours of counseling than inpatient programs. As a result, outpatient care can be a far more affordable option for people who desperately need care but don’t know how they will afford it. In fact, many insurance programs are more than happy to cover part or all of outpatient rehab programs in New Jersey.

You Have A Mild Substance Use Disorder, A Lot Of Motivation, And Supportive Housing

When most people think of drug and alcohol rehab, they think of a type of mental health facility with 24/7 supervision, strict rules, and a lot of requirements. While people with severe addictions do need these kinds of intensive health services, not everyone needs such a high level of treatment. Even though longer treatment programs are associated with better treatment outcomes, it doesn’t mean that treatment absolutely has to occur on a residential basis.

If you are someone who doesn’t use substances every day, has a lot of motivation to get sober, does not require medical attention, and lives in a supportive living environment, you may be the perfect candidate for outpatient rehab in New Jersey. Outpatient rehabs offer all the same services as inpatient does, just without all of the monitoring and rules. If you go to outpatient and find yourself unable to stay sober though, then you may need to move up to a higher level of care.

Find Out If You Qualify For Outpatient Rehab in New Jersey Today

Are you not sure which level of care in addiction treatment is right for you? You are not alone. It isn’t always easy to know what your treatment needs are, especially if your mind is clouded by the effects of substance abuse. That’s exactly why our team at New Jersey Interventions has addiction counselors standing by to take your call and help you find the right drug and alcohol rehab for you. What are you waiting for? Take the first step and call for help today.

Medically Reviewed: April 16, 2021

Dr Ashley

Medical Reviewer

Chief Editor


All of the information on this page has been reviewed and verified by a certified addiction professional.

Dr Ashley Murray obtained her MBBCh Cum Laude in 2016. She currently practices in the public domain in South Africa. She has an interest in medical writing and has a keen interest in evidence-based medicine.

All of the information on this page has been reviewed and verified by a certified addiction professional.