Medically Reviewed

Who Should Be Involved in a Drug and Alcohol Intervention?

- 13 sections

All of the information on this page has been reviewed and verified by a certified addiction professional.

When a loved one struggles with an addiction, an intervention is one tool you can use to help convince a person to go to rehab. Staging an intervention is a carefully planned and goal-oriented process during which a professional interventionist is involved. This specialist can help guide you through the intervention process and connect your loved one with a rehab center that meets his or her needs.

One integral part of the intervention process is deciding who should take part in the discussion. An addiction intervention is a very emotional process and inviting the wrong person could jeopardize a positive outcome. Having the right group of people around during the intervention can help improve its chances of success. So how do you know who should be involved in an intervention and who shouldn’t?

Who Should Be Included In My Loved One’s Drug and Alcohol Intervention?

There are a number of factors you should consider if you are deciding whether to invite someone to an intervention. These include:

  • The person’s willingness to help
  • The status of the person’s relationship with the addicted individual
  • Their personality and viewpoints regarding addiction and/or your loved one
  • Whether or not inviting this person should harm your addicted loved one or make him/her feel uncomfortable or unsafe

Remember, the goal is to convince your loved one to go to rehab, so it’s crucial to consider your addicted loved one’s relationship with each member of the intervention group.


Parents are not only often involved in drug and alcohol interventions, but they are also very likely to be the ones who initiate the intervention in the first place. After a person turns 18, his or her parents can no longer force them to go to rehab without legal services, so interventions are a popular choice for parents of addicts. Parents can also offer monetary help, housing, and other aid that may further help convince your loved one to accept the help being offered.

Significant Other

A person’s partner or significant other can also play a vital role in an intervention. This person knows your addicted loved one inside and out so they can provide valuable insight into the discussion. They can also help with the timing and location of the intervention itself by ensuring the addict shows up.


Siblings are a great option to consider if you are deciding who should be involved in an intervention. Siblings grew up with the addicted individual so they have a unique relationship and are in a great position to offer help and support.


Children who are too young may not be emotionally mature enough to handle something as heated as an addiction intervention, but teenage and adult children are great people to consider. Children have a unique relationship with their parents. A child’s input can inspire your addicted loved one to want to get better to improve that relationship.

Extended Family

Other family members like aunts, uncles, grandparents, and cousins may also be involved if the circumstance is appropriate. If your loved one has a close relationship with an extended family member, that individual may be able to help the intervention process.


Close friends often know information that family members do not. As a result, friends can contribute alternate perspectives, ultimatums, and feedback during the intervention.

A Therapist or Other Professional

If your addicted loved one has worked with a therapist or other mental health professional in the past or present, you may consider asking this person to be involved in the intervention. Professional insight can be extremely valuable to the discussion and in convincing your loved one to get help.

Who Shouldn’t Be a Part of an Addiction Intervention?

When considering who you should ask to be involved in an intervention, you want to focus on maintaining a positive and supportive environment. If your addicted loved one feels judged, embarrassed, or threatened, he or she will be less receptive and less likely to accept the help being offered. In most circumstances, it isn’t a good idea to invite the following people.

Someone Who is Addicted to Drugs or Alcohol

Although your loved one may have friends who are also addicts, these individuals can’t provide the same insight and support as their sober friends can. Avoid asking people who are suffering from addiction themselves to participate in your loved one’s intervention.

Someone Who Doesn’t Have a Good-Standing Relationship With Your Loved One

People who do not have a positive relationship with your loved one should not be involved. Examples of this could be an ex-significant other, a friend whose friendship ended on a bad note, an abusive family member, or someone who may want to make your addicted loved one feel ashamed. Inviting someone who your addicted loved one doesn’t trust can jeopardize the trust this person has for you.

A Manager, Supervisor, or Co-Worker (With Considerations)

If a manager, supervisor, or co-worker brought up the idea of the intervention, it may be appropriate to involve them. However, in most circumstances, it is not necessary nor appropriate to invite such persons. Mixing work and personal life can get messy and it can also put unneeded pressure on your addicted loved one.

Hire a Professional Interventionist To Help You Stage an Intervention Today

The best way to stage an effective intervention is to rely on a professional counselor to help guide you through the process. This person can help you choose who should be involved in the intervention, what each group member will say, and where your addicted loved one will go to rehab.

Here at New Jersey Interventions, our dedicated addiction specialists can help connect you to the resources you or your loved one need to find treatment. Don’t wait any longer–start the addiction intervention process by giving us a phone call today.

Medically Reviewed: September 16, 2021

Dr Ashley

Medical Reviewer

Chief Editor


All of the information on this page has been reviewed and verified by a certified addiction professional.

Dr Ashley Murray obtained her MBBCh Cum Laude in 2016. She currently practices in the public domain in South Africa. She has an interest in medical writing and has a keen interest in evidence-based medicine.

All of the information on this page has been reviewed and verified by a certified addiction professional.